[gobolinux-devel] Need Help Compiling Mesa 13.0.2
2016-12-06 00:17:38 UTC
Hey there, I'm working on adding recipes so that Wayland and Weston can
be compiled on GoboLinux. I've already managed to compile Wayland and
most of Weston's dependencies. The last hurdle is compiling Mesa 13.0.2
as according to BLFS (which I'm using as a guide) It needs all the Xorg
Libraries. This is the page I'm using as a guide:
Hisham Muhammad
2016-12-06 23:43:57 UTC
Hey there, I'm working on adding recipes so that Wayland and Weston can be
compiled on GoboLinux. I've already managed to compile Wayland and most of
Weston's dependencies. The last hurdle is compiling Mesa 13.0.2 as according
to BLFS (which I'm using as a guide) It needs all the Xorg Libraries. This
Did you make any progress since we last talked on IRC? Do you have the
error message?

-- Hisham
